At its “Toonami on the Green” panel at San Diego Comic Con 2023, Adult Swim released a new trailer for its upcoming action thriller series Ninja Kamui. The anime series will premiere on Toonami sometime in 2024.
The anime is directed by Sunghoo Park (Jujutsu Kaisen season one, The God of High School), with Sola Entertainment producing the series and E&H Production handling the animation production. Takeshi Okazaki (Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia original character designer) is in charge of the series’ character designs, and Yann Le Gall (Fairy Gone, Cannon Busters) is serving as art director.
The trailer showcases the protagonist, Joe Higan, engaging in battle with the enemies that destroyed his family. In the second half of the video, Sunghoo Park talks about the general synopsis and production for the series, as well as a message for the viewers.
Ninja Kamui follows former ninja Joe Higan, who abandoned his clan and escaped into hiding with his family to America. One night, he is ambushed by a team of assassins who exact revenge on him and his family for betraying them. After his apparent “death,” he returns as his former self — Ninja Kamui — to exact revenge for his close family and friends. Combining his ancient skills with advanced weaponry, he’ll face off against deadly assassins, robots, and other ninjas to destroy the clan that created him.
Source: Adult Swim YouTube Channel, Toonami on the Green SDCC 2023 Panel