The production team for the Wind Breaker TV anime series has revealed its third main voice cast member, casting Nobunaga Shimazaki as Hayato Suo.
Previous character reveals were released for the protagonist Haruka Sakura and Kyoutarou Sugishita. They are voiced by Yuuma Uchida and Kouki Uchiyama, respectively.
◢◤キャスト解禁PV 第3弾◢◤
— 公式『WIND BREAKER(ウィンドブレイカー)』 (@winbre_sakura) October 18, 2023
蘇枋隼飛 (CV. #島﨑信長 )
新情報解禁特番「ボウフウリン 決起集会」配信⚡#ウィンブレ
New voice cast members will be revealed every day this week, leading up to a special program with new information for the show on October 22, 2023. CloverWorks is in charge of the animation production.
The original delinquent adventure manga by Satoru Nii has been serialized on Magazine Pocket since January 13, 2021. Thirteen tankoubon volumes have been released as of August 2023, under the Kodansha Comics label. The manga placed 20th on the 2021 Next Manga Award in the web manga category and ninth in AnimeJapan’s 2022 “Manga We Want to See Animated” poll.
As of March 2022, the series has over 1.22 million digital and print copies in circulation.
Kodansha USA releases the manga in English, describing the synopsis as:
Haruka Sakura wants nothing to do with weaklings—he’s only interested in the strongest of the strong. He’s from Fuurin High School, a school of near-dropout degenerates known only for their brawling strength. And in a town known for its territorial disputes, Haruka’s got only one goal—become the hero his town deserves.