The upcoming anime adaptation of A Condition Called Love (Hananoi-kun to Koi no Yamai) will begin its Japanese broadcast in April 2024. In addition to the premiere window, it was announced that Kana Hanazawa and Chiaki Kobayashi will voice main characters Hotaru Hinase and Saki Hanano, respectively.
Staff details were also revealed. Tomoe Makino (Aharen–san wa Hakarenai) is directing the anime with East Fish Studio handling the animation production. Some of the other staff members include:
• Series composer and scriptwriter: Hitomi Amamiya (Chillin’ in My 30s after Getting Fired from the Demon King’s Army)
• Character designer: Akiko Satou (Trigun Stampede co-character designer)
• Music composer: yamazo (Encouragement of Climb: Next Summit)
The Kodansha-published manga by Megumi Morino began serialization in Dessert in 2017 and will release its 14th tankoubon volume on November 13 of this year. Kodansha USA describes plot as:
Hotaru is a 16-year-old high school first-year who has always been ambivalent about love, preferring instead to have a lively life with her family and friends. So when she sees her schoolmate, Hananoi-kun, sitting in the snow after a messy, public breakup, she thinks nothing of offering to share her umbrella. But when he asks her out in the middle of her classroom the next day, she can’t help but feel that her life is about to change in a big way…
Source: @hananoikun_pr