An anime adaptation of the Loner Life In Another World (Hitoribocchi no Isekai Kouryaku) light novels has been announced. Shuuichirou Umeda is voicing protagonist Haruka.
The Overlap Bunko title is written by Shouji Goji and currently illustrated by Saku Enomaru (Booota was the initial illustrator). The first volume of the series was released in 2018, with volume 13 set for a January 25, 2024 release.
Seven Seas Entertainment describes the plot as:
When sarcastic loner Haruka gets transported with his class to another world, he’s not wild about adventuring, but he wouldn’t mind having some cool powers. Unfortunately, he’s last in line when the magic cheat skills get divvied up, so by the time it’s Haruka’s turn, there are no good choices left. Now Haruka will have to take on this fantasy world the hard way–on his own, with a hodgepodge of bizarre skills! When infighting and chaos break out among his classmates, can this loner come to the rescue?
Loner Life In Another World started as a web novel on Shousetsuka ni Narou in 2016. The light novels have inspired a manga by Bibi.
Source: @bocchi_PR