A new Blue Box anime visual, dubbed the “Blue Box Pose” visual, has been released. In the illustration, main characters Taiki and Chinatsu stand together while making identical square signs with their index and middle fingers.
Blue Box is based on the manga by Kouji Miura, which began serialization in 2021 in Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump and has 14 tankoubon volumes published under the Jump Comics label as of March 2024. The story was originally a 2020 one-shot.
Viz Media describes the teen romance as:
Taiki admires Chinatsu from afar, but he doubts that she sees him in the same way. Yet somehow, he musters up the courage to tell her to never give up on her dreams! After such a bold declaration, will Taiki’s fleeting high school romance finally begin?
• Animation production: Telecom Animation Film
• Shouya Chiba as Taiki
• Ueda Reina as Chinatsu
• Akari Kitou as Hina
Sources: Blue Box anime website, Comic Natalie