The Magical Girl and the Evil Lieutenant Used to Be Archenemies anime adaptation has received a new, “Side Magical Girl” trailer. It introduces viewers to the titular magical girl Byakuya, who takes on regular part-time jobs when she’s not saving the world, and previews her magical girl transformation.
There are also a few new cast reveals, which include Shinichiro Miki as Mitsukai (cat), Mariya Ise as Hibana Kagari, and Hikaru Midorikawa as Mitsukai (bird).
The Magical Girl and the Evil Lieutenant Used to Be Archenemies will premiere this July. It is an adaptation of the 4-koma manga by the late Cocoa Fujiwara (Inu x Boku SS), with Bones producing and Akiyo Oohashi (The Stranger by the Shore) directing.
The plot is described as:
The lieutenant is merciless and cunning. He’s the brains behind the organization and righthand man to the king. Byakuya, a jinxed magical girl is the one in charge of standing up to the earth invasion. Mira, the evil lieutenant, is supposed to face off against the girl and unexpectedly falls in love at first sight… This is the story of the magical girl and the evil lieutenant who used to be enemies. Refusing to kill (and love) each other, what will become of the couple—?
The manga was serialized in Square Enix’s Gangan Joker from September 21, 2013 to March 20, 2015 and has been collected into three tankoubon volumes. It is the last title from Fujiwara.
• Director: Akiyo Oohashi (The Stranger by the Shore)
• Series composer and scriptwriter: Yuniko Ayana (BanG Dream! It’s MyGO!!!!!)
• Character designer: Haruko Iizuka (Horimiya, Josee, the Tiger and the Fish)
• Music composer: MAYUKO (Ranking of Kings)
• Animation production: Bones
• Yuuki Ono as Mira
• Mai Nakahara as Byakuya Mimori
Source: @mahoaku_anime