The Twitter account of manga website Comiplex has revealed that a Sailor Zombie anime project is in the works.
The announcement was made on the same day as the release of the Sailor Zombie manga’s new Shinsouban volumes (July 29 JST). The manga originally ran from 2014 to 2016 in Monthly Heroes.
The Sailor Zombie manga is drawn by Jiji & Pinch with director Isshin Inudo credited for planning and direction. The story follows several high school girls during a zombie apocalypse.
Inudo was also the planner and general episode director of the 2014 Sailor Zombie drama that starred members of the Japanese idol group AKB48. Aside from the manga and drama, there is a Sailor Zombie arcade game (also featuring AKB48 members).
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Sources: Comic Natalie, @heros_1101